Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween at the Blue Jackets

Belle with storm troopers
Originally uploaded by The Lassiter's.
The Lassiter's went to the BlueJackets hockey game tonight. Belle got her picture taken with some storm-troopers. She had a light saber so she wasn't scared.

She also won some Star Wars toys. She was wearing her princess dress and everybody was coming up to her making over her. She was eating it up.

Oh and Jackets won 3-2 in overtime shoot-out. Not bad for Belle's first hockey game!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Double Rainbow In Gahanna

Originally uploaded by The Lassiter's.
News at 11.

Just before dusk the sun peaked out after a stormy day. You can barely see the second rainbow in the picture. It was much clearer in person.