Sunday, June 15, 2008

Daddy and daughter on Father's Day 2008!

Eddie had a good Father's Day for his second Father's Day! He woke up and went to play golf. Then he came home to cards and donuts! He then had a cook out, a nap, and many hours of watching the Reds and Golf! What a lucky Daddy!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Isabelle learns to ride her tricycle!!

Isabelle rode her tricycle all by her self yesterday, June 11th 2008. Grandma Pam and Grandpa Ray bought her the bike last year but she wasn't quite tall enough to reach the pedals. When she got on yesterday, she was just the right size so Mommy taught her how to ride! She caught on how to pedal, very quickly!! Steering is a different story, but will come in time! We were very excited to tell Daddy and when he found out, off down the road they went! We are very proud of Isabelle and will have a wonderful time this summer bike riding!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Isabelle and the Easter Bunny! 2008

Mommy and Isabelle went to visit the Easter Bunny today! Isabelle ran up and gave him a big hug when she saw him! She had no problem sitting on his lap and getting her picture taken. Since she was such a good girl, she got to go to Build a Bear and get a new furry friend! Since Belle liked the Bunny, Mommy did not get her picture taken....maybe next year!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Isabelle and DeeDee at Cosi 2008

Eddie took the day off yesterday and Isabelle and I took him to Cosi and showed him the ropes! We all had a great time and Isabelle initiated Eddie with a cup of water at the water table! We hope to make it back again soon!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Valentine's Party 2008

The Gang!
Originally uploaded by The Lassiter's.
Isabelle had her first Valentine's Party today. Elizabeth, Rhaya, Morgan, Kyrie, and Mia all came ready for the fun! They were all dressed up and enjoyed eating all the goodies and playing with the toys! The mommies had fun, too! They all came away with a goody bag filled with candy and toys. They all had a wonderful day!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Belle Loves puddin.

I'm a righteous dude!
Originally uploaded by The Lassiter's.
She loves her shades. She hasn't quite got the knack on which way they go, but don't try to fix them for her, or she'll give you the business. hehehe

She looks like she's ready for summer. Then, we all are!