Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Belle at the fountains!

Belle at the fountains!
Originally uploaded by The Lassiter's.
Isabelle and Kyrie went to Easton to play in the fountains today! It is 90 degrees so it felt wonderful! Easton is a beautiful market place here in Columbus and they have fountains for the kids to run through and play in on hot days. It is perfect for little ones that aren't quite big enough for the pools yet. Belle, Kristin, Kyrie and I went to The California Pizza Kitchen and had a wonderful lunch then headed over for some splashing fun! Kristin and I didn't mind getting wet either:) Belle and Kyrie and Kristin and I are becoming great friends! We really enjoy spending time with them. I am sure we will be headed back to Easton soon!

Isabelle and her ice cream cone!

Isabelle loves ice cream! Daddy and I take her McDonalds and get her a baby cone all of her own. She really enjoys it, as you can see!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Lester, Cody, and Eddie Go to a Reds Game

What a gorgeous night for a baseball game it was Wednesday night as we traveled down to Cincinnati to watch the Reds get hammered. None of us have been to the new stadium so it was a treat this time around just to go.

We got there early, about 5:15pm, and did a lap around the stadium to check it out. The concession areas are much wider than at the old Riverfront stadium, but the cheap hotdogs have shot up to $3.75, ouch! But that's typical ballpark prices these days. I think they are in cahoots with the movie theater people.

They have those misty fans all over the ballpark, where they have water spraying out of several fans creating a mist to keep you nice and cool. It was a welcome relief on an 85 degree day.

After watching some batting practice from the homerun fences, we settled into our seats about 7:00pm. After the game started it didn't take long for the softball game to commence. It was 2-0 before I could take a sip of my Coke. Ryan Freel made a spectacular play catching a ball at the wall that I'm sure will be on TWIB at the end of the week. As you can tell by the scoreboard, the pitching was bad and then it got worse. A couple of infield errors, as well, cost the Reds some runs. The superstars(I use that term loosely), Dunn and Griffey Jr didn't do much, I believe they didn't get a hit and just got a couple of walks.

We had a great time and I look forward to going again in June with Teynor.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Robin The Movie Maker

robin cheesing
Originally uploaded by The Lassiter's.
Robin takes movies of Belle today before we headed out on our 'Robin and Eddie date'. Robin's folks came over to baby sit Belle while me and Robin went out and painted the town.

Dinner and a movie. We went and saw 'Shrek 3' which was pretty good. Plenty of one-liners and zingers throughout. Good for a few chuckles. They tried to freeze us in the theater, why they pump the air conditioner on a day like today is beyond me.

The big news while we were out was, that Belle let Lester rock her to sleep. You know he loved that.

We're off to Magic Mountain tomorrow with some $7 tickets that basically gives you the run of the place. Should be fun.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I feel pretty good today

hi, i'm smiley
Originally uploaded by The Lassiter's.
We're all better up here in Ohio now that we got past the stomach flu. As you can see Belle is pretty happy, and her hair has grown enough to put bows in her hair.

She loves her Wiggles and that is all she wants to watch anymore. You can't use the laptop without Belle coming screaming over to you begging for you to play the Wiggles, and of course we let her watch.

Belle is walking really good now and just goes from room to room, talking to herself and pointing a lot. I've taught her to say 'side' and point outside. She's on one syllables right now. hehehe. We're are having a ball.

The other night Belle went to sleep at 7:30pm and didn't wake up until around 6:30am the next day. We got a lot of good sleep that night, let me tell you. It was great. Then the next night she got up at 4:00am, yikes. We sleep when we can around here.

It's supposed to be sunny this weekend, so we'll try to get outside.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Isabelle Walks Among Us

Belle is now walking on her own about 3 or 4 steps at a time. I'm right down behind her making sure she doesn't get hurt. Robin thinks I'm over protective and need to let her fall and learn. It's hard not to grab her when she starts to tumble.

We went and got some edge-foam guards and have them on all the sharp corners downstairs. We're trying to baby proof the downstairs more and more as Belle learns to walk and of course, get into more stuff.

It's amazing how she just starts walking one day and from then on, that's all she wants to do. Everytime she walks a few steps and falls, we all just give her lots of applause and praise. She looks around and just smiles and claps herself a little. She is now big into the Wiggles. I think Mickey Mouse is starting to fade, although she still watches it. I think Robin is going to have us all go to one of the Wiggles concerts here in Columbus when they come. I laugh at her and say that it will be like going to see Van Halen with Sammy Hagar as Greg page the lead guy is no longer with the Wiggles. Oh well, Belle won't know.

Belle is sleeping now, and I'm not too far behind. Till next time.